When booking the hall for the meetings, we are required to provide evidence of public liability insurance.
After considering the options and taking advice, the easiest (and cheapest way) is to run the meetings under the auspices of the Bolton Club, which is BMFA affiliated. Tom Crompton and Dave Whitehouse are both officers of the Bolton Club, which makes the affiliation legal.
Up to this point in time, Clayton (and now NORWIND) have remained independent identities in order to preserve their distinct characteristics. We want to make it clear that we wish NORWIND to continue in its present informal form, without making unnecessary rules and changes, so in terms of flying, life will go on just as before and this is the cheapest way that we can think of to obtain the required insurance cover. We will, have to require fliers to show proof of BMFA membership. and current BMFA membership cards will need to be produced for each meeting if you wish to fly. We are allowed to have a FEW guest fliers per season, but regular fliers MUST be BMFA members at the first meeting in September.
There are two ways of doing this: If you have your own individual membership, you will need to provide proof of current membership in September and then again in January (as BMFA membership runs from January to January). If you are not already a BMFA member, Tom Crompton can arrange it as part of the Bolton Club group affiliation at the beginning of the season.
We try hard to keep the rules to the minimum, as we want the meetings to be about fun. We hope that you will continue to support NORWIND, which has a long history of friendly flying.
Dave Whitehouse, Tom Crompton & Tom Tomlinson (first name alphabetical order!).

(Some adapted to suit the hall and time limitations and to encourage participation)
Limited Penny Plane (AMA rules using restricted motor to suit NORWIND hall)
After much thought, we have decided that time doesn’t allow us to fly PP to the rules which we initially set out. We also want to encourage less experienced fliers. SO.. the PP competitions will be run as follows:
Rubber .75g rubber + .75g ballast spacer. model 3.1g minimum without motor and ballast. NORWIND modification: The rubber motor shall not exceed 0.75g with motor ring. 0.01g excess shall be allowed for lubricant.
The model must carry a ballast stick weighing a minimum of 0.75g, which should be approximately half of the distance between the motor hooks
The competition will have 2 categories of fliers:
1 Anyone who has not yet achieved 4 minute flight (no touch) will be judged in the “Clubman” category. They will be allowed to fly without the “no touch” rule. IE. They can ceiling clatter! .Once 4 mins is achieved (and I have kept records), fliers must move into the “experienced” category for this and subsequent PP competitions.
2. Any flier who has achieved 4 mins or more will be judged in the “experienced” category,. The “No touch” rule must be observed.
3. Separate certificates will be awarded for each class to encourage “Clubmen”.
4. Any number of flights, best to count.
The overall length, including the propeller, shall not exceed 20 inches . The length is to be measured by placing the prop blade leading edges against a vertical plane. The rearmost part of the model must not extend beyond a line parallel to the
vertical plane and 20 inches from it.
The projected wingspan, measured perpendicular to the motor stick, shall not exceed 18 inches.
The distance from the front of the thrust bearing to the rear motor hook shall not exceed 10 inches.
A single direct drive (ungeared) rubber motor and propeller shall be used to power the model.
The rubber motor shall not be enclosed.
The wing chord shall not exceed 5 inches. The dimensions of the horizontal stabilizer shall not exceed four 4 inches chord by 12 inches span.
The motor stick shall be solid and made from a single piece of wood. (The tail boom may be a separate solid piece.)
The propeller diameter shall not exceed 12 inches.
No gadgets of any kind are permitted on the model (i.e., variable pitch props, automatic incidence changing mechanisms, etc.). Limited Pennyplane is limited to monoplane models.
Legal Eagle (Models must R.O.G. from floor)
1. Drawing must fit on one side of one sheet of legal size (8-1/2" x 14") paper.
2. No component parts drawing may be superimposed or overlap another and
must clear one another and the edge of the paper by at least 1/8 inch.
3. Wing(s) and stabilizer must be drawn full span, tip to tip and fuselage drawn in its full length from nose through tail in one piece.
4. Fin(s) may be drawn where space allows and not necessarily attached to the side view.
5. Landing gear must be drawn in its place on the side view showing its full length.
6. No top or front view is required.
7. Drawing must be presented to C.D. on demand.
1. Smallest wood size to be 1/16 inch square except for propeller.
2. Fuselage measured to its outside surface must contain a space 1" x 1.5" x 3".
3. Fuselage must have a cabin or open cockpit with a raised windshield of at least 30 degrees of clear or translucent material. Cockpit must be actually open, with a headrest or canopy.
4. Flight surfaces; Leading and trailing edges cannot parallel each other.
5. Tip outlines must have no straight lines except for stabilizer where a twin fin is used.
6. If twin fins, or two wings are used in the design, parts may be built in duplicate over the same drawing.
7. Jap tissue required on all non-sheeted, open framework surfaces except for fuselage surfaces covered by a flying surface directly attached to the fuselage and areas involved in an open cockpit or minimum access area to the motor. No ultra light film covering to be used, unless used for windshield or windows. Flight surfaces may be single or double covered.
8. Landing gear must use at least one 1 inch diameter wood wheel.
9. Use of motor stick(s) or tube(s) O.K. and if used, must be shown on the side view in one continuous length in the proper position.
Bostonian Rules - NORWIND version (adapted to suit our hall and time requirements)
There have been several versions of Bostonian rules in recent years. As the purpose of the event is to encourage newcomers to the scale and/or duration events the rules set down by Walt Mooney would seem to be the most appropriate.
These are :
Maximum wingspan 16 inches
Maximum wing chord 3 inches
Flying surfaces to be covered with Jap tissue or thicker
Maximum overall length 14 inches (thrust button to rear extremity)
Minimum weight 14 grams (without rubber)
Maximum prop diameter 6 inches
Capable to rise off ground At least two wheels
Fuselage must contain a ‘box’ space of 1.5 x 2.5 x 3.0 inches and must have a transparent front and side windows of at least 1 inch x 1 inch
In addition the prop must be a commercial one piece plastic prop. It may be cut down to the appropriate diameter but other alterations to the blades should be on one blade only in order to balance the prop. This is to discourage excessive tweaking of the prop by thinning the section etc.
Flights are to be rise off ground with the total airborne time noted. Any number of fights may be made.
If you enjoy 'Legal Eagle', then 'Bostonian' will be your kind of model. There are a lot of Bostonian plans on the net and even a kit available (Prairie Bird). If you haven't come across the class before, See Tom's Bostonian in Gallery 5.Lots of plans on the Outerzone website http://www.outerzone.co.uk/browse_plans/index.asp and mags. The 14g rule means that you can use ordinary balsa shop wood. No need to buy Indoor comp stuff. We have made it easier by stipulating a commercial prop. I have just finished mine and it came out at 11g with two coats of thinned dope and no attempt to keep the glue to a minimum.! (I'll have to find somewhere to hang 3g of ballast!).
This shall be a "one model" competition, the model to be designated in advance by the Contest Director.
The Competition has 2 separate parts: Precision & Duration. Each is treated as a competition in its own right.
PRECISION: The CD will nominate a target time on the day. Each competitor will be allowed 3 flights, each to be timed by TWO DESIGNATED timekeepers and the times averaged and agreed. The time will be measured from release of the model to the time when the first part of the model touches the floor. In this way both ROG and hand launch are permissible. Times will be measured to a tenth of a second Times must NOT be rounded up or down as split seconds can determine places. Any flight which exceed the target will be deemed as void. In the event of a tie, second (valid) times to count.
DURATION: Any number of flights, any BMFA member to time, 10 seconds bonus for ROG. Second flights to determine places in event of a tie. After consulting the membership, it was decided that any commercially available unmodified prop may be substituted for the carved prop shown on the plan.