(Some adapted to suit the hall and time limitations and to encourage participation)
A6 Foam - (adapted to suit NORWIND hall from AMA rules)
The model shall be rubber powered with all flying surface constructed from commercially available polystyrene foam wallpaper lining material. NO thinning, compressing or "Skinning" (eg with heat) of the foam to be allowed.
The total maximum projected wing area shall be 30 square inches. There is no restriction on the stabilizer area.
All wing, stabilizer and rudder wood including wing posts shall be 1/16” square wood minimum. Posts may be rounded in the area of the mounting tubes.
The motor stick shall be from solid wood of 6” maximum length measured from the front thrust bearing face to the front of
the rear hook.
The propeller shall be 6” maximum diameter. NORWIND rules will allow flat or arced blades from balsa (no thinner than 1/32”). "Butterfly" props will be allowed, as they will inevitably carry a weight penalty
No special materials such as boron, carbon fibre are to be used.
Peanut and Kitscale:
See the judging schedule at the bottom of this page
Capacitor Powered Model
Model design - Penny plane/ Gyminie Cricket or similar. Any covering
Max wingspan 18"
Min weight 16 gm
10 farad capacitor - MIN prop size 2.5" direct drive
Peanut Duration:
a) Rubber powered monoplanes only.
b) Wing span 13 in, maximum projected. Wing chord 2 in. maximum.
c) Tail span 7 in. maximum, Tail area 14 square inches maximum.
d) Overall length, including propeller 13 in. maximum.
e) Propellor 6in diameter maximum.
f) Cross-section of fuselage 2 square inches minimum.
g) Airfame weight (without rubber) 4gm. minimum.
h) Two wheel undercarriage required. Flights must r.o.g.
i) Longest two flights added together from ant number of attempts (NORWIND mod from John O'Donnell's original 6 attempts).
Any BMFA member to time.
Osprey Class
1) Total projected area of all wings and tails counted separately shall not exceed 60 sq in. (This means that the total areas of any wings and the tail plane(s) shall not exceed 60 sq in.)
2) The fuselage shall enclose the rubber motor, and its cross sectional area over a length of at least 3 in shall not be less than 1.5 sq in.
3) The propeller shall be either balsa or proprietary plastic with fixed pitch during flight.
4) Minimum weight for the complete airframe, ready to fly without rubber motor 4 g.
5) Maximum weight of rubber motor 1.5 g.
The new rules are designed to allow the use of existing Legal Eagle models with minimum modification eg addition of ballast to comply with the 4g minimum weight. Note that the rules are just as stated and therefore there is no wheel/ROG prop size or windscreen requirement. Adapted Legal Eagle models must comply with the 1.5g motor rule
Due to the dwindling supplies of good Tan 2, competitors are encouraged, in the spirit of the class, to use Super Sport rather than Tan 2 (NB It would be very hard to enforce this rule and would rely upon scrupulous honesty by fliers. Feedback on this matter is welcomed).
The times at the top are often separated by a single second, which makes me plead once again to timekeepers to ROUND DOWN all times and NOT to be "kind" to your friends.
Recently, a very interesting issue occurred when two people recorded times which were 2 seconds apart while timing the same model. The discrepancy came down to the judgement concerning the moment that the ROG is deemed to be released. The timing should start from the moment the flier releases the model from the hand (which should be made very clear and NOT a "prolonged push". We also decided that the angle of viewing of the timekeeper affected that judgement. We checked the watches against each other for accuracy, with no discrepancy. In the end, It was determined that the time from the official timekeeper should stand.
There were three fliers placed with identical times for the best flights. The next best flight from each of the fliers will determine the place. This again underlines the need for timekeepers to be scrupulous about ROUNDING DOWN (even if it is 59.59 secs, which should be recorded as 59 secs). Timing should cease when any part of the model touches the ground (no short ground running, just to make sure!).